本文藉由甲午、日俄戰後臺灣與樺太的殖民地統治機構的建構,旨釐清原敬考量殖民地當地的情勢以及其與諸政治勢力的角力時,如何建構内地延長主義並加以付諸實行;最後進一步探究日俄戰後日本的殖民地統治政策。臺灣的部分,甲午戰後原敬即主張,並試圖履行内地延長主義。但他無力改變長期由臺灣總督及長州閥主導臺灣統治,並由政黨在議會間接支持的構造。至日俄戰後,原敬甚至把之前促成總督律令制定權及總督武官專任制成立的主因之漢人武裝抵抗運動,當作論述工具,以強化自己所提出的敕令委任立法草案之正當性,結果內地延長主義尚無法登上政治舞台。另一方面,樺太的部分,日俄戰後他與陸軍大臣寺内正毅皆認為當地人煙稀少,並無內亂,此提高了彼此妥協的可能性;結果,内地法的延長施行主張被採納,同時保留文官得以擔任樺太廳長官的可能性。綜言之,對日本而言,日俄戰後的樺太並非如臺灣般為多數族群的異民族武裝反抗的殖民地,不但是人口稀少的開拓地,亦是内地延長主義的最佳實驗場所。|Through the process of constructing colonial administrations in Taiwan and Karahuto, this paper aims at clarifying the considerations of Hara Takashi in establishing and realizing his extensionism of Japanese Proper. These considerations included the local situations of the colonies and the power struggle of different policy factions. Through this investigation, re-examines the colonia policy of Japan after the Russo-Japanese War. In the case of Taiwan, Hara had proposed extensionism after the end of the Sino-Japanese War. Yet, he could not alter the long-standing structure in Japanese Taiwan rule, which was controlled jointly by the Governor-General's Office of Taiwan, the Choshubatsu, and indirectly supported by the political parties in the Diet. After the Russo-Japanese War, Hara attempted to use the armed resistance of the Han-Chinese as a political weapon to legitimize his proposal of the Cabinet-based ordinance-making authority (敕令). The same reasoning had been used in establishing the law-making authority of the Taiwan Governor-General(總督制定律令權) and the governor-general's appointment from miltary personnel Consequently, extensionism did not come into the political arena. On Karahuto after the Russo-Japanese War, both Hara and Terauchi Masatake, the Minister of the Army, agreed that the locale had only a small population and no rebellion. That raised the chance of political compromise. Consequently, the advocate of extending laws of the Japanese Proper was accepted. Meanwhile, preserved the possibility of a civilian official to head the government of the Karahuto Prefecture. In short, to Japan, the post-Russo-Japanese War Karahuto, unlike Taiwan as a colony of alien races in armed resistance, was a barren land of sparse population for development, and the best experiment laboratory for extensionism.