


近代彥部家的家史編纂事業|The Hikobe family's works of compilation about their family history in modern period




龜田俊和/亀田俊和(Toshitaka Kameda)


彦部氏 ; 足利将軍家 ; 家史編纂 ; 修史館 ; 『高階朝臣家譜』 ; 彥部氏 ; 足利将軍家 ; 家史編纂 ; 修史館 ; 『高階朝臣家譜』|The Hikobe family ; Ashikaga Family (Muromachi Shoguns) ; Compilation of family history ; Shushikan ; Takashinaason-Kahu




35期(2018 / 06 / 01)


171 - 195






彥部氏家族是代代輔助著侍奉日本南北朝期將軍足利尊氏,於室町幕府初期在政治與軍事上十分活躍的足利氏家族執事的高師直一族的旁系家族。做為室町幕府與鎌倉府(室町幕府的東國統治機構)的奉公眾甚至比高氏一族的直系還要活躍,其後代子孫現在也依然健在。彥部家從江戶幕府末期便開始家史之編纂事業。而其過程,可以推想如下,一開始至少委託兩位學者來進行。而結果為①對於擔任室町幕府奉公眾之彥部氏,有十分詳細記載的譜系,②將紀錄重點放在身為鎌倉府奉公眾的彥部氏的譜系,一共編寫了以上兩種家史。明治18年(1885),修史館(東京大學史料編纂所的前身)的調査員訪問了彥部家,並寫下了以下的家史,①是『彦部家譜』,②則取名為『彦部系譜』,其抄寫本現在則保存於編纂所。修史館的調査結束之後,彥部家依然繼續家史編寫事業,對①與②進行了修改。①後來取名為『天賓』,②則取名為『高階姓彦部家系譜』。接著在明治時到大正期間,當時的彥部家的一家之主駒雄委託前原寬二進行家史的編寫。前原從數本内容有異的記載中進行內容上的取捨,從結果來說以①的『天賓』做為基礎,完成了彥部家家史的正式版本。這就是現在彥部家的傳家寶『高階朝臣家譜』。這部家史在1970年代以後提供研究,照片版現存於群馬縣立文書館。比較與對照這些家史,會發現在記載内容上都傾向於強調與京都的足利將軍家的關係。例如這些家史中「創造」了建武3年(1336)的攝津國湊川的戰役中因追隨足利尊氏而戰死的彥部光高、還有對侍奉於足利義滿、義教身邊的彥部忠春形象的大幅潤色,以及戰國時代的從京都返鄉的彥部信勝等人的「故事」。在現在將南朝視為天皇家的正統,將與南朝敵對的足利氏視為叛徒而極度貶低的看法越來越來普遍的近代來說,編寫對足利家充滿善意史觀的家史,在近代的地方名門歷史考察上十分耐人尋味。|The Hikobe family is a branch family of the Kou family (family as stewards to Shoguns in Nanbokucho period). They were a member of Houkoushu (army under direct control of Muromachi Shoguns and Kamakurahu) in Muromachi Period and they were more prosperous than the Kou family. Descendants of the Hikobe family are alive now. The Hikobe family began works of compilation about their family history in the last years of Edo period. I presume this process as below. At first, The Hikobe family requested this compilation to two scholars; therefore, two types of their family histories were compiled. One focused a branch family of The Hikobe family who were members of Houkoushu in Muromachi Shogunate (this book called Hikobe-Kahu), and another focused another branch family who were members of Houkoushu in Kamakurahu (this book called Hikobe-Keihu) In 1885, investigators of Shushikan (forerunner of Historiographical Institute the University of Tokyo) visited this family and copied these family histories. After this investigation. The Hikobe family still continued and added their two types of family histories. They called one type Tenhin, and called another Takashinaseihikobeke-Keihu. About in Taisho period (or in the last years of Meiji period), Hikobe Komao (who was the family head at this time) requested more compilation to Maehara Kanji. He selected plural versions of the Hikobe family's histories, and completed their compilation which is based on Tenhin, now called it Takashinaason-Kahu and treated it as the Hikobe family's treasure. These compilations were investigated again after 1970's, and saved their photographs in Gunma prefectural archive. By comparing these compilations, a fact will become clear that the Hikobe family select their historical records which emphasize their connection to Muromachi Shoguns in Kyoto. For example, according to their family history, Hikobe Mitsutaka followed Ashikaga Takauji and was killed in the war of Minatogawa in 1336, but now it can be guessed that his existence was created. Another example is Hikobe Tadaharu and Noriharu, they were close advisers of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu and Yoshinori acoording to their family history. but now it can be guessed that their activity was dramatized. And another example Hikobe Nobukatsu, he moved from Kyoto to Gunma in Sengoku period, but now it can be also guessed that the episode of his move from Kyoto was created. In modern age. Japanese people treated Nancho dynasty as legitimacy, and blamed Muromachi Shoguns because they were opposed to Nancho dynasty. Therefore the Hikobe family's compilation of their family history which is favorable to Muromachi Shoguns is interesting when we investigate historical recognition of local distinguished family in modern Japan.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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