本研究為針對75名台灣日語學習者進行實驗藉以探討明示性之訂正回饋對於學習者學習非現場指示詞的影響。其成效以誤用訂正測驗及是非判斷測驗這2種方式,分別進行前測、後測、5週後延若後測予以衡量。研究結果發現:整體而言,明示性訂正回饋的效果是被確認的,惟明示性訂正回饋之持續效果卻依日語能力的高低而有不同的結果。日語能力上位者為元語言訂正,而日語能力下位者為直接訂正更能持續其指導效果。從此可知,依據不同的日語能力,能促進其語言學習的訂正回饋也有所不同。教師應依學習者的能力而給予不同的訂正回饋。|The aim of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of explicit corrective feedback on the acquisition of non-deictic demonstratives by investigating the performance of 75 Taiwanese students of Japanese. Their performance was measured by correction task and grammaticality judgment. Moreover, a pre-test, a post-test, and delayed post-test (5weeks later) were developed. The results showed that the effectiveness of explicit corrective feedback was shown overall. However, the sustained effectiveness of explicit corrective feedback varied due to learners' mixed Japanese proficiency. The advanced group gained more from meta-language feedback, the less-proficient group gained more from direct correction. These findings suggest that teachers should give appropriate correction feedback according to the language proficiency of the learner as it yields different results on learners of various levels of proficiency.
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