日本平安時代物語作品中的求婚譚,自物語之祖《竹取物語》起,就被視為重要的物語結構和主題,發揮著作用。在《竹取物語》中「被稱為風流多情之士的五位王公貴族」,其社會地位和身分等,雖分別都被高度評價,但他們卻是平行地出現在作品中,彼此之間全然毫無關聯,個別是向輝夜姬求婚後,以失敗結束的人物造型。一般認為《竹取物語》是短篇物語結構,在故事情節的展開上,不僅鮮少有登場人物間的橫向聯繫,圍繞在輝夜姬身旁的求婚者們也未被創造出複線關係。透過《宇津保物語》中的眾多登場人物以及琴的強烈媒介角色之間的協同演出效果,清楚看得出物語的縱向關聯和橫向關聯交織成的對比複線結構。根據拙稿的考察,在這個縱、横網絡中的俊蔭一族四世代的血脈關聯,以及多數的秘琴和秘曲的代代傳承過程,除了形成強固的家族共同體外,男女人物之間也藉由琴的音色共譜織成了「音聲共同體」=「愛的共同體」。繼男女人物之間的「音聲共同體」論述之後,想考察如何透過音樂形成友情共同體。特別是,與俊蔭一族同樣,擁有由彌行從中國唐朝攜回日本的秘琴和以及秘曲傳授的源涼,在與藤原仲忠的交流中,透過秘琴傳授的相互吸引的形式,音樂如何形成兩人最佳友情共同體,其中原委值得探究。|Since The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter (Taketori Monogatari), courtship stories have long played an important role in the structure and theme of monogatori (tale or narrative) of the Heian Period in Japan. In The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter, the five princes and nobles known for their flirtatious behavoir, share high social status, but each appear individually in the work, without any connection amongst themselves. Each one of them are characters who have failed in their proposals to Kaguya. The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter has a short story structure. In the development of the storyline, not only are there few horizontal links between the characters, but the suitors around Kaguya do not create a double track relationship. Through the synergistic performance between the many characters in the Utsubo Monogatari and the significant role of the Koto, it is clear that the vertical correlation and horizontal correlation of the story are intertwined into a complex double track structure. According to the investigation of this study, the bloodline of the four generations of the Toshikage family in this vertical and horizontal network, including the inheritance of hikin (secret kotos) and hikyoku (secret pieces of music) from generation to generation. In addition to the formation of a strong family, the men and women also form a "Community of Sounds" and a "Community of Love". Following the discussion on the "Community of Sounds" between men and women, this study intends to explore how a community of friendship is formed through music. In particular, similar to the Toshikage family who were also in possession of two secret kotos and secret pieces of music (brought back by Iyayuki from the Tang Dynasty in China), Suzushi and Nakatada further engaged in exchanges on secret songs. This study will explore how music serves as the best friendship community for Suzushi and Nakatada.