


《宇津保物語》中的理想男性形像-八面玲瓏的仲忠人物造型-|The Ideal Male Figure in Utsubo Monogatari: A People Pleaser of Nakatada's Character




賴振南/頼振南(Chen-nan Lai)


『うつほ物語」 ; 男性像 ; 八面玲瓏 ; 仲忠 ; 人物造型 ; 《宇津保物語》 ; 男性形象 ; 八面玲瓏 ; 藤原仲忠 ; 人物造型|Utsubo Monogatari (Tale of the Hollow Tree) ; Male Figure ; A People Pleaser ; Fujiwara no Nakatada ; Images




39期(2020 / 06 / 01)


1 - 26






《宇津保物語》的故事情節,與《竹取物語》中的輝夜姬(かぐや姫)和《伊勢物語》中的「從前某男子」一代記式故事內容大異其趣,物語格局已從「吾」與「汝」此種個人單位的交涉圖,擴大成「吾家族」和「他家族」這種家族規模的交叉圖。在此長篇物語的大型框架內,讓眾多登場人物出場,再透過跨四個世代的秘琴一族的故事情節展開出的協同演出效果,清楚看得出物語的縱向關聯和橫向關聯已交織成對比複線結構。特別是針對物語中的四十八位男性主要角色,不僅都賦於他們不同的故事内容,同時也創造出形形色色的人物造型,在這物語的情節演變中。而格外受到注目的一點是,從存在於秘琴傳承者藤原仲忠的理想男性形象塑造過程中,應該可探索出物語整體的主要意義和統一性。此外,在物語中首尾一貫的秘琴一族故事發展過程中,令人不容忽視的是,俊蔭女兒和仲忠這對母子之間,有生活中歷歷可見的慈愛、孝養等儒教「孝」的精神發揮作用著。簡而言之,《宇津保物語》的表層有一股相關「琴(Koto)」的藝術性,而深層內有一股以「孝」的倫理性為主題的故事流動著,除此之外,更不可忘卻的是,俊蔭女兒和仲忠這對母子的理想人物造型,一直從背後支撐著物語。更進一步來說,仲忠與「好色風流(Irogonomi)」的父親藤原兼雅不同,他是精於音樂又才華橫溢的「風雅之士(Sukimono)」,因仲忠具備能將「風雅之士」與學問融和一起的特質,更有無微不至的行動表現能力,才足以抗衡以「貴宮Atemiya」為重心的權貴世家源正賴家族,將藤原兼雅一族經營運作成理想的家族。為此,有必要提出仲忠的人物造型加以探討,針對他的八面玲瓏男性理想形象進行分析。關於《宇津保物語》中的理想女性形象,將另稿論述之。|The storyline of Utsubo Monogatari (Tale of the Hollow Tree) is very different from other stories that portray only one generation of characters, as in Kaguya Hime in Taketori Monogatari (The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter) and "a man once upon a time" in Ise Monogatari (The Tale of Ise). In Utsubo, the story line has expanded from interactions between individuals, the "I" and the "you," into one that involves interactions between families. In this full-length narrative, there are multiple characters spanning four generations, with their lives revolving around the magical harps (koto). The characters are so vastly intertwined in a series of occurrences that builds an intricate and complex plotline. This is true in particular with respect to the 48 main male characters; each not only has his own narrative, each is also portrayed differently and evolves as the story progresses. Also noteworthy is the shaping of the ideal male image as evidenced in the musical prodigy Fujiwara no Nakatada. By tracing the development of the male image, one will be able to explore the significance and unifying theme of the story. In addition, as the plot develops around the magical harps, which is the unifying strand running through the story, the mother-son relationship between the daughter of Kiyowara no Toshikage and her son Nakatada also deserves attention, as it is characterized by motherly love and filial piety. On the surface, the principal theme of the Utsubo appears to be the importance of art in the form of the magical harps, yet narratives centered on the theme of filial piety flows underneath. Furthermore, the ideal images of the mother and of Nakatada the son likewise lend support to the progression of the plot. To be sure, Nakatada is vastly different from his father Fujiwara no Kanemasa. While the father is promiscuous and a connoisseurs of love (irogonomi), Nakatada on the other hand is a gifted musician, charming and elegant (sukimono), and a meticulous man of action. Because of this, Nakatada is able to stand up against Atemiya, daughter of lord Minamoto no Masayori, and at the same time bring honor and prestige to the Fujiwara no Kanemasa family. For this reason, it is necessary to explore the image and makeup of Nakatada the character, as well as analyze his well-rounded and ideal male image as a people-pleaser. The female images in the Utsubo will be explored in another paper.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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