《源氏物語大成》於選採具別本類特色之校異用文本時,並未採用麥生本系統的須磨卷。本論文為檢證《大成》選採方式之妥切性而對該卷內的異文性質進行考察,並期待透過這些考察,對解明麥生本系統之生成背景有所助益。本系統被《大成》採用的其他卷中可看見幾項特色。本論文首先便檢查須磨卷中是否也有這些特色。具體方式為,先確認本卷中「おもほす」「おもほゆ」此一特殊語形之使用狀況。結果可知,比起一些被《大成》採用的卷,須磨卷中此一語形的使用量反而更多。接著,確認本卷中是否可看到以文意明瞭化為目的之異同。結果可知,須磨卷中確實也有此類異同。以上述考察為基底,筆者進一步論及以下兩點。其一,麥生本系統的須磨卷中確實可見不少堪為別本之處,然於在中盤卻似乎略顯疲態,有依場面調整投入程度的情形,直至尾盤異文出現頻率才又提高。其二,調查異文出處後,發現其有參考河内本系的表現,並講究與和歌相關語彙之傾向。│When choosing the text with the features of Beppon, Genjimonogataritaisei excluded the Suma volume of the version represented by Munyuubon. To examine the result, this paper researched the differences and elucidate the way it formatted. Therefore, the existence of the features discovered in other volumes should be inspected. After checking the using situation, the amount of 'Omohosu' and 'Omohoyu' is more than some volumes committed as Beppon. Even more, the differences for making the article easier can also be found. On the basis above, there are two things can be confirmed. First, it seems the writer get tired halfway through and therefore influence the amount of the differences in some part. Furthermore, by checking the origin of the differences, it can be found that the reviser seems bent on considering the vocabulary of Kawatibonkei and the words related to Uta important.