本論文、生態女性主義視點論述多和田葉子下意識創作三部作的第一本《在地球各角落發光發亮》與第二本《來自星星的訊息》對照比較的成果。考察結果顯示《在地球各角落發光發亮》中總括出全球時代中地球上的人類所必須面對的外在生態女性主義的課題。而《來自星星的訊息》則是聚焦於登場人物的內心層面的問題「心靈創傷」。更從作品中可被認定為「神之子們」以及他們牽手「舞蹈」的動作,聯想到村上春樹著名短篇小說集《神的小孩子們都在跳舞》。村上春樹於該作品中開出了面對創傷是發覺創傷,從中展開下一個行動的處方箋。而多和田葉子也於《來自星星的訊息》開出了處方箋。那即是無論人們間劃清界線,製造藩籬、國界,但從地球以外的星球來看畢竟只不過是地球上生活的人類而已。即使人們間製造了藩籬,只要配合他人的步划「舞蹈」,就能消彌彼此的歧見。2019年之後常被名列獲得諾貝爾文學獎呼聲極高的村上春樹與多和田葉子兩位作家所開出的處方箋,正是2019年起蔓延全球禍害的新冠肺炎時代中人們,一帖新生活方式的提示。│This paper contrasts and compares Yoko Tawada's first and second works in her deliberately created trilogy, "Dusted by Earth" and "Implied by a Star" from the perspective of ecofeminism. As a result of the discussion, it was found that compared to the external eco-feminist issues that humanity on earth should face in the global age, which could be lumped together in "Dusted on the Earth," "Implied in the Stars" focuses on the internal issues of the characters, "heartbreak" (weakness). Furthermore, the characters who can be seen as "God's children" and their "dancing" in the work remind me of Haruki Murakami's short story collection, "All God's Children Can Dance". In Haruki Murakami's "All God's Children Can Dancing," he presents a formula for realizing the existence of trauma by confronting it, and developing the next step of action from there. In contrast, Yoko Tawada's "Implied by a Star" suggests that no matter how many boundaries humans draw between themselves to create walls and borders, from the perspective of the rest of the planet, they are just human beings living on a single ball called Earth. In this book, a prescription is presented that by "dancing" to the steps and pace of others, we can overcome our differences and disagreements. The prescriptions presented by Haruki Murakami and Yoko Tawada, both of whom are listed as Japanese candidates for the Nobel Prize in Literature from 2019, sound particularly meaningful as a way of life because we are living in the era of the Corona disaster.