In this study, we adopt the concept of membership degree to develop the new fuzzy cluster analytical method for the market segmentation, and solve the problem caused by the traditional hard classify. We take one step ahead to integrate the product segmentation and the company resources, and develop the evaluative model of product classification for the base of planning and evaluating the residence house of construct company. OLAP can improve the productivity of corporate decision makers through consolidation, conversion, transformation, and integration of operational data, and supports online analytical processing. The model is based on market segmentation for researching the attributions of residence house to look for the differences between the groups and its construction condition. It will be good for industries to draw up the marketing strategies of dynamic product segmentation for their target market.
The findings are as follow:
1. We adopt the fuzzy cluster method and attempt to combine a new compactness to build market segmentation in order to address the fuzziness among the group boundaries. Through membership grade, we depict the reality of the market, which lies between integers and real number. The structural stability of the market can be tested by the loyalty of buyers who pertain to different clusters.
2. From the market oriented supply-demand matrix, we know the market supply is more than demand. According to the membership grade of sub-segmentations of products, we find the product respositioning path. And according to moving direction and position, we can make the marketing mixed strategy.
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