


Household Mobility Decision and Moving Path Choice - An Empirical Study of Taipei City and Taipei County






遷移決策 ; 家庭生命週期類型 ; 羅吉迴歸模型 ; mobility decision ; life cycle type ; logistic regression model




11卷1期(2002 / 02 / 01)


1 - 22






This study attempts to explore what kind of households would make mobility decision since the households must pay higher moving cost instead of staying at their existing houses. We further analyze why households choose different moving path under the constraint of housing market conditions. This empirical study employs a binary logistic regression model and uses a data set from” 1990 Census of Population and Housing in Taipei”. We make a comparison between the moving path from Taipei City to neighbor Taipei County areas and the moving path within Taipei City districts. The results are meaningful for the supply of housing market and public facility services.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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