


The Marginal Willingness-to-pay of Star Public Elementary and Junior High School Districts in Taipei City




林素菁(Sue-Jing Lin)


特徵性房價函數 ; 邊際願意支付 ; 明星學區 ; Hedonic Price ; Marginal Willngness-to-pay ; Star School Districts




13卷1期(2004 / 06 / 01)


15 - 34




爲孩子找個好學校,是許多父母在選擇住家區位的重要考量之一,特別是家中有就讀國中小學的學齡孩童家庭,以競爭最激烈的台北市爲例,明星學區搶破頭的情況則更加明顯。過去雖有以借寄戶口越區就讀的方式擠進明星學區,但已漸漸無法保證學童能順利進入明星學區就讀,故在粥少僧多的狀況下,儘早直接進駐明星學區,已經是父母考量的解決方式之一。 有鑑於此,本文利用2000年至2002年,台北市政府地政處『房地産交易價格資料』及台北市教育局『教育統計資料』,以特徵性價格方法以(hedonic price method)估計台北市國中小明星學區的邊際願意支付(marginal willingness-to-pay)。實證明結果顯示,不論是國中或國小,明星學區的房價的確比較貴,而且『高門檻』的現象的確存在其中。若與普通學區相較,同時擁有國中小明星學區邊際價值爲73.98萬元(每坪2.24萬元),僅擁有明星國中學區的邊際價值爲60.54萬元(每坪1.83萬元),僅擁有明星國小學區的邊際價值則爲26.10萬元(每坪0.79萬元)。若該家戶在已擁有明星國小或明星國中的情況下,考慮增加購買明星國中學區或明星國小學區的邊際價值則分別爲47.88萬元與13.44萬元(每坪1.45萬元與每坪0.41萬元)。


One of the most important decisions for parents is to choose a better school for children of nine-year compulsory education, especially. In fact, jumping over the school districts is a universal phenomenon in Taipei city. Therefore, purchasing a ”star” public school district is a direct way to solve this problem. Ill this paper, we apply hedonic price method to estimate the marginal willingness-to-pay of the star public elementary and junior high school districts ill Taipei City using the data set of Real Estate Transaction from Land Department and Education Statistics from Education Department, Taipei City Government since 2000 to 2002. We find that entrance into the star public elementary and junior high schools has higher threshold and houses ill the star public school districts will cost more ill Taipei City indeed. Households are willing to pay significant premium price for houses located within star public school districts. Comparing with the general public school district, the marginal willingness-to-pay of both star public elementary and junior high school districts is NT$739.8 thousand (NT$22.4 thousand per ping). The star public elementary district only and the star public junior high school district only are NT$605.4 thousand and NT$261.0 thousand (NT$18.3 thousand per ping and NT$7.90 thousand per ping), respectively. In addition, if the house with star public elementary district or star public junior high school district, then the increment of purchasing the other additionally is NT$478.8 thousand and NT$134.4 thousand (NT$14.5 thousand per ping and NT$4.1 thousand per ping), respectively.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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