Undoubtedly, the main goal of building fire protection is lot only to ensure life safety but also to protect property. The mail purpose of this study attempts to examine the important affecting factors, which contribute property loss in building fires from real fife cases, to determine relative weights of these effects and then to provide suitable strategy in order to mitigate property losses.
This study focuses On the measurement of possible affecting factors on fire property losses by investigating both from real cases and official reports of building fires during January 2000 to February 2002 in Taiwan including Taipei city, Taipei county, Taoyuan county, Hsinchu county, Taichung county, Tainan county, Tainan city and Kaohsiung city. Based on the lime sequence of flit occurrence and effect possible influencing factors will be measured. Contexts of investigations include occupant characteristics, building occupancy characteristics, fire protection systems, early reaction, fire development and spread, fire brigade interventions and the resulting property losses.
Using statistical methods such as factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression model important factors are conceptualized and conducted. After testing significant influencing factors such as building structure, degree of fife spread and damage, fire severity, maintenance of water resource ill fire fighting are examined. Relative effects among these factors for property losses are also analyzed.
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