


The Impact of Spatial Externalities, Transaction Costs and Land Readjustment on Residential Land Prices-Evidence from Tainan City




曾菁敏(Ching-Min Tseng)


市地重劃 ; 交易成本 ; 空間外部性 ; 特徵價格模型 ; 空間計量分析 ; land readjustment ; transaction costs ; spatial externalities ; hedonic pricing model ; spatial econometric analysis




17卷1期(2008 / 06 / 01)


23 - 50






This paper mainly assumes that land readjustment can reduce transaction costs in terms of the spatial externalities from developers' behavior and the institution of land readjustment. Finally, this effect will be reflected in the residential land prices. To test this hypothesis, I apply spatial econometric analysis and geographic information systems based on the Box-Cox hedonic pricing model. The data are selected from newly-built residences from between 1991, 1996 and 2001 in Tainan City in Taiwan. Empirically, I find that the spatial error Box-Cox model is appropriate for engaging in spatial externalities analysis. This is because the results show that land readjustment gives rise to positive spatial externalities on residential land prices and the marginal price of residential land in areas where land readjustment takes place is also positive. The effects of developers' interactions give rise to positive spatial externalities but these change to negative spatial externalities in relation to residential land prices in the long term. Finally, land readjustment as implemented by the government really does contribute to reducing uncertainty in the land development process, and also reduces transaction costs between construction practitioners and landlords.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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