As international sustainable building development and sustainability and energy-saving policies are advocated in Taiwan, modern consumers not only focus on residences in which to live, but also consider added values of the residences such as environmental factors that include lighting, ventilation, noise…and so on. In this paper we use cost-benefit analysis in relation to the sustainability index model proposed by Grace K.C. Ding (2005) as well as marketing theory to specify a structural model for this study that ”is house-purchase choice affected by sustainable building or through the residential benefit variable.” The results indicate that ”sustainable building” can consist of six factors, such as integrated environmental performance, operating performance, waste reduction, environmental loading, energy saving and maintenance. ”Residential benefit” can include both quality of life and cost recovery factors. Furthermore, tests of ”house-purchase choice” are affected by sustainable building and are supported by the data and the statement that ”sustainable building will affect the house-purchase intention through the residential benefit variable,” especially the quality of life factor as an indirect variable. Therefore, this research shows that the homebuyer will not only satisfy a living demand but will also consider the additional residential benefit from sustainable building on the house-purchase choice.
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