


Analysis of the Relationships Among Usage Conflicts and Management Performance of Condominiums




朱芳妮(Fang-Ni Chu)


公共財 ; 使用衝突 ; 管理維護績效指標 ; public goods ; usage conflicts ; indicators of management performance




21卷1期(2012 / 06 / 01)


37 - 65






Common property belonging to all owners of a condominium may cause usage conflicts, such as free-rider problems, due to the characteristic of quasi-public goods diminishing most residents' utility or benefits. The main topics of this paper include discovering the relationship between usage conflicts and the management performance of condominiums, as well as understanding the underlying factors influencing such conflicts and performance. Data collected from a postal questionnaire survey were used in the empirical analysis. A simultaneous equations model with three-stage least squares (3SLS) estimates was employed to form the connections among indicators of usage conflicts and management performance. The empirical results show that negatively reciprocal causation exists between usage conflicts and management efficiency. Housing mix and usage mix might be determinants of usage conflicts in a direct and indirect way, respectively. When facing the problems of collective action, institutional approaches and conflict management mechanisms should be implemented, and management performance can also be improved if the social approach is effectively applied.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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