


The Effect of Externalities in Land Use Conversion on House Prices: An Application of the Contingent Valuation Method


胡海豐(Hai-Feng Hu)


土地使用變更 ; 外部性 ; 條件評價法 ; land use conversion ; externality ; contingent valuation method




24卷2期(2015 / 12 / 01)


1 - 26






Most previous quantitative studies have lacked information on the spatial range of the externalities based on various types of land use. Therefore, by adding the "distance" factor to questionnaires on the virtual land-use scenarios employed in the contingent valuation method, the effect of the positive externality of a metropolitan park on neighborhood house prices has been determined to be +17.5% in this study, and the intensity of this externality has decreased to zero when reaching a boundary of 7,103 m. Similarly, in a scenario involving a department store, the positive effect is +14.4% and the boundary is 6,948 m; in a scenario with an outdoorstyle substation, the negative effect is -14.5%, and the boundary is 7,000 m; and in a scenario of an indoor-style substation, the negative effect is -12.8%, and the boundary is 6,607 m. The data provide basic information that can be used when implementing Pigouvian taxes and private contract negotiations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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