


A Study on Alternative Methods of Real Estate Valuation: Fuzzy Real Option Model


蘇進雄(Chin-Shyong Su);陳澤義(Tser-Yieth Chen);王詩韻(Shin-Yun Wang);吳雪伶(Hsueh-Ling Wu)


模糊實質選擇權模型 ; 不動產估價 ; 估價準確性 ; fuzzy real option model ; real estate valuation ; valuation accuracy




28卷1期(2019 / 06 / 01)


51 - 81






This study aims to promote the applicability of a fuzzy real option model in real estate valuation. To this end, we have modified the option pricing model and the fuzzy real option model proposed in previous studies to create a novel real estate mortgage option model and an extended fuzzy real option model (Et-FROV model). The empirical results show that the Et-FROV model can reduce the error margin and improve valuation accuracy. Moreover, the advanced model can solve the problem of valuation distortion. More crucially, we can not only accurately estimate the underlying asset's hedging value (i.e., capital preservation at 93%), but can also derive its value-added profit (i.e., added value at 84%), which is our principal contribution to the literature. Hopefully, this advanced model can provide an alternative reference for the United States and other countries.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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