


A Mass Appraisal Modeling of Pre-sale Housing


江穎慧(Ying-Hui Chiang);朱智揚(Chi-Yang Chu);張金鶚(Chin-Oh Chang)


預售屋 ; 大量估價 ; 住宅價格 ; pre-sale housing ; mass appraisal ; housing price




28卷2期(2019 / 12 / 01)


17 - 36






Pre-sale housing possesses the property of futures, meaning that prices are affected by the prices of nearby existing housing. Besides, in the case of pre-sale housing traded before the completion of the building, consumers depend on the developer's reputation to evaluate the house's quality. To sum up, the basis and the developer's reputation are important in the appraisal of the pre-sale housing. This paper uses the hedonic method to build an empirical model. The empirical results show that the average price of pre-sale housing in Taipei is 35.5% higher than that of the surrounding existing houses, and for developers that are listed on the stock exchange or in the over-the-counter market, the price is 5.7% higher than that for non-listed developers' housing. In the results for the out-sample model, the MAPE is 11.82%, with a ±10% hit-rate and 48.81% and 86.07% with a ±20% hit-rate. Establishing a mass appraisal of pre-sale housing can provide a search channel for consumers, and also monitor the change between the pre-sale housing market and the existing housing market. It is helpful for information transparency and for stabilizing market prices.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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