


An Analysis of the Factors Impacting Public Attitudes Toward the Ratio Reserved for the Disadvantaged in Social Housing


陳冠儒(Kuan-ju Chen)


社會住宅 ; 社會住宅態度 ; 混居 ; NIMBY ; Social housing ; attitude towards social housing ; mixed living ; NIMBY




30卷1期(2021 / 06 / 01)


1 - 26




社會住宅經常面臨不要在我家後院(not in my back yard, NIMBY)的問題,並遭到當地社區反對。考量上述爭議,本研究利用2015年住宅狀況抽樣調查的14,275筆樣本進行次序邏輯斯迴歸分析。實證結果發現,擁有自用住宅、教育程度較高、年紀較長數對社會住宅弱勢保障比率有顯著負向影響,無自有住宅家戶、家中有身心障礙者則較支持提高社會住宅弱勢保障比率。其次,家戶5年內有搬遷、民眾贊成興建及有意願申請社會住宅時對社會住宅弱勢保障比率亦有顯著正向影響。第三,附近環境美化與管理維護滿意度對於提高社會住宅弱勢保障比率亦有顯著正向影響,但鄰里環境中不同類型設施對弱勢保障比率會有不同的影響效果。最後,都市化程度較高的城市,民眾較支持提高社會住宅弱勢保障比率,但位於都會區周邊城市居民對提高社會住宅弱勢保障比率的支持度較低,顯示民眾對社會住宅弱勢保障比率態度存在明顯地區差異。


Social housing is often opposed by local communities due to the NIMBY (not in my back yard) issue. This study utilizes the 14,275 sets of data in the 2015 Report on the Housing Status Survey in order to perform an ordered regression analysis. The empirical results firstly indicate that variables such as home ownership, higher levels of education, and old age have a more significant negative influence on attitudes toward the ratio reserved for the disadvantaged in social housing. However, renters and families with disabilities are more supportive of increasing the ratio reserved for the disadvantaged in social housing. Secondly, when there are families that have moved within the past 5 years and the general public is willing to approve and register for social housing, there is a high level of approval for the ratio reserved for the disadvantaged in social housing. Third, the satisfaction level of the public towards their neighborhood environment has a significant positive effect on the ratio reserved for the disadvantaged in social housing, but the effects of the different facilities vary. Finally, citizens in cities with a higher degree of urbanization are more likely to approve of the ratio reserved for the disadvantaged in social housing. However, citizens located in the peripheral areas of cities are less supportive. The results of the study show that there is a geographical difference in the public's attitude towards mixed-living social housing.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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