


Learning from Children: An Action Research of Environmental Education Regarding People-Space Relationships


喻肇青(Chao-Ching Yu)


人與空間關係 ; 主體性 ; 行動研究 ; 位格 ; 身體 ; 所在 ; 環境教育 ; body ; environmental education ; people-space relationships ; place ; personality ; subjectivity




1期(2001 / 05 / 01)


43 - 78




由身體出發的環境認知與體驗,是孩子處理自身主體性及環境認同的基礎,也是「人與空間」關係環境教育的切入點。九年一貫課程中的「藝術與人文」學習領域,應該可以涵容這項教育課題。 本文所討論的是一次連續六週的國小四年級教學行動研究,依據報「身體」、「所在」、「位格」與空間關係的理念,透過營造一條「生活街道」的現場實作經驗,探討空間塑造、主體呈現、社群關係在實踐行動中所延伸的課題,包括:身體與主體、概念性與實踐性的知識、位格與領域、生活美學、行動與創意、民主的社會學習、互助的人性關係等。最後以「發生」作為主要的行動策略,回應「人與空間」環境教育在教學上的原則:以「人」為主體的思考、以「真實」為對象的學習,和以「當下」為起點的實踐。其實,在過程中,我們從孩子身上可以學習到「主體自覺」帶來的無限創意,也察覺到成人世界中的現實,是如何被概念化的思考侷限。


Through bodily interaction and environmental perception, children develop their sense of selves and generate the identity of their environment. This paper presents an action research in environmental education of people-space relationships through six weeks of teaching. Based on the concepts of body, place and personality, a full scale “street” was created and “lived” with a group of Taiwanese fifth grade children. Included in the report are the learning and reflection that evolved from the action, such as subjectivity and body, conceptual and practical knowledge, personality and territory, life aesthetics, creativity through action, democratic learning and mutually supportive human relationships. The action strategy of “Occurrence” was concluded for the entire experiment.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
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