


A Study of Music Textbooks in Taiwan During Japanese Rule


賴美鈴(Mei-ling Lai)


日治時期教育 ; 音樂教科書 ; 音樂教育 ; Education under Japanese rule ; music textbooks ; music education




3期(2002 / 05 / 01)


35 - 56






The study examines the music textbooks published for common schools of Taiwan (kogakko) during the Japanese rule (1895-1945). Music (Singing) was first introduced to Taiwan in common school curriculum in 1898. In the beginning, teaching materials were brought to Taiwan from Japan until the official government published the first common school songbook (Kogakko Shoka Shu) in 1915. Content analyses of official published music textbooks in1915 and 1934 were presented. These two sets of textbooks were compared to music textbooks used in Japanese school during that time. Both the 1915 and 1934 sets of textbooks are quite diverse and of high quality. The findings include: common school textbooks are similar to Japanese published music textbooks, except the lyrics of the common school text frequently communicate the glories of Taiwan; many song lyrics in the common school textbooks were designed to coordinate with the National language textbooks, to assist students in learning Japanese, which at that time was the National language. The use of texts from the National language texts also facilitated the memorization of songs by the students. It was found that common school music textbooks published at different times frequently contained the same songs, thus providing a common song repertoire for common school graduates over this time period.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
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