


The Use of Teaching Portfolio in Enhancing a Music Teacher's Reflective Thinking: A Case Study


莊敏仁(Ming-Jen Chuang)


教學檔案夾 ; 音樂課 ; 省思 ; 教學效能 ; teaching portfolio ; general music ; reflective thinking ; teaching effectiveness




9期(2005 / 05 / 01)


71 - 94




本研究旨在描述音樂教師如何使用教學檔案夾,提升教學省思能力,強化教學效能的經驗。本研究爲個案研究,立意取樣一位南投縣國小音樂教師爲研究樣本教師,爲期一學期。資料的蒐集包含訪談、教案、與研究者的實地札記。訪談資料以編碼方式進行分析,利用三角檢測法與成員檢測提升資料的信度。 研究樣本教師的教學檔案夾內容包含教案、教師日誌、學生日誌、教學錄影、教學錄音、檢核表、評量表、相片、學習單、教師自編自製教材等。閱讀教案、教師日誌、學生日誌、學習單最助益於音樂教師的省思能力,研究樣本教師表示教學檔案夾對其省思能力之提升,有助於其教學之效能。


The purpose of the present study is to describe a music teacher's experience with teaching portfolio to enhance her own reflection and teaching. The target of the case study is an elementary music teacher in Nantou County, Taiwan. The observation period lasted one semester. Data collected include interview transcripts, lesson plans, teacher journals, student journals, field notes, checklist assessment sheets, worksheets, teaching material developed by the teacher, photos and videotapes. The participant teacher reported that the use of teaching portfolio enhanced her reflective thinking and improved her teaching effectiveness. A discussion of such response is included in the end of the paper.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
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