


Arts Practitioners as Lifelong Learners: A Practice of Narrative Learning


吳愼愼(Shen-Shen Wu)


生命故事 ; 敘說學習 ; 終身學習 ; 通識課程 ; 藝術教育 ; Arts Education ; General Education ; Life Story ; Lifelong Learning ; Narrative Learning




12期(2006 / 12 / 01)


1 - 38






The emergent paradigm of lifelong learning in the 21(superscript st) century not only focuses on the concept of lifelong, but also life-wide and life-deep. In times of changes and uncertainty, it is essential for individuals to be reflexive lifelong learners with biographical competences. To support arts practitioners as lifelong learners, the paper suggests a curricular project of narrative approach. It is to be used as an entry point to help learners for their own career. The first section of this paper addresses theoretical perspectives in the literature of lifelong learning. The paper then turns to issues concerning narratives/life stories and its implications in narrative learning and the making of arts practitioners as lifelong learners. This is followed by an introduction to a general education curriculum, ”Life Stories of Arts Practitioners”, facilitated by the author from 2003-2005 in Taipei National University of the Arts. The curricular plan includes course plan, goal, learning/teaching process and evaluation, etc.. Finally, data collected from the teaching/learning process reveals that learners gain significant insights from the course by connecting learning, reflexivity, dialogue and class interactions. Discussions of the exploration are also made in the last part of this paper.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
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