


The Problem Solving Model in Graduate Project for Students of Visual Communication Design


高新發(Shin-Fa Kao);嚴貞(Jen Yen)


問題解決 ; 專題製作 ; 紮根理論 ; 視覺傳達設計 ; 設計教育 ; graduate project ; grounded theory ; problem-solving ; visual communication design ; design education




14期(2007 / 12 / 01)


101 - 136






The aim of this study is to develop the appropriate ”Problem-Solving Model” in graduate project for students and to find out the characters of Problem-Solving Process of Visual Communication Department. This paper is a qualitative research based on Grounded Theory. Based on CPS model, the researcher interviewed eight graduate students and teachers on their graduate project courses. The researcher analyzes the results of the interviews, 7 categories of differences and 34 characters are found. Based on these characters and the results of the interviews, the researcher constructed a ”Problem-Solving Process” of graduate project, which includes: 1.face to the problem and task, 2.identify the subject and materials, 3.generate ideas, 4.choose the best idea, 5.develop idea, 6.propose and testify, 7.set the project, 8.accomplish and exhibit, 9.evaluate tasks, 10.search for resources. Moreover, this research also established a ”Dynamic Model of Problem-Solving” which contain five parts: 1.resources search, 2.task evaluation, 3.problem understanding, 4.creativity generation, 5.project completion. Finally, the resources propose 3 result discussions and 4 suggestions as further investigation direction in the future.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
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