


Autonomously Creative Creativity of the Group Organization of Micro Popular Visual Culture


劉仲嚴(Chung-Yim Lau)


同人誌 ; 自主創造性創造力 ; 社群 ; 微型流行視覺文化 ; autonomously creative creativity ; Dōjinshi ; group organization ; micro popular visual culture




15期(2008 / 05 / 01)


1 - 32




亞洲地區的創造力廣泛地藉由漫畫、動畫和電玩等媒介裡的圖像表現出來,這些圖像除了反映流行視覺文化(popular visual culture)的影響外,還隱含對於某種特殊美學觀念的偏愛,背後牽涉創作者和觀賞者對創造力的觀念、表達方式,以及創造性的社會文化意涵。除專業的圖像生產者外,有越來越多由小團體組成自主性(autonomous)極高,並具彈性的業餘創作社群(group organization),也加入圖像生產行列。本研究以兩個香港同人誌社群爲對象,檢視社群與創造力的關係。從微型流行視覺文化角度理解社群如何對創造力觀念、創造力的構成、表現形式和意義作出詮釋。研究結果發現,微型流行視覺文化社群不但顯示出一種生生不息、自我管理的營運模式,還隱含著一種自我發揮、具表現力和獨特性的社群創造力量和文化展現精神。


Influenced by popular culture, creativity in Asia regions is widely expressed through images in media such as animation, manga, and computer games. These images not only reflect the influence of popular visual culture on creativity, they imply a favorite of a particular aesthetic concept. Excluding the professional image-makers of popular visual culture, numbers of creative and armature group organizations are increasingly involved in the image making industry. The study examines the relationship between the group organization of popular visual culture and creativity. It aims to understand how the group organization interprets the concept of creativity, the formation, and expression of creativity from a micro perspective on popular visual culture. The present study finds that the group organization of micro popular visual culture not only reflects an endlessly creative self-managed-and-operated model in image production, but it also hints at the self-expressed, expressive, unique group creativity, and spirit of cultural exposure.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
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