


Spatial Representation of Totally Blind People: The Late Developmental Stages


伊彬(Bin I);徐春江(Chuen-Jiang Shiu)


空間表現 ; 全盲者 ; 觸覺繪畫 ; 發展 ; spatial representation ; blind ; tactile drawings ; development




15期(2008 / 05 / 01)


71 - 100






The present research studies the late stages of spatial representation of totally blind people through various 3D stimuli. Sixteen totally blind people, aged 17 to 23 years old, classified into 3 types according to visual conditions, participated the study. One hundred and thirty five drawings were collected and analyzed. The results suggest: 1. the visual condition does not prevent blind people's drawing to develop into a finer and more mature stage after 18 years old. 2. The participants' drawing performances varied with different tasks and participants' visual conditions. 3. Blind people's late stages of drawing development is similar to the sighted people's primitive stage; whereas the sequence of the developmental stages is dissimilar. The research concludes that vision cannot be replaced by tactility when performing perspective drawings. The conclusion is consistent with earlier researches done by I & Shiu and rejects Kennedy's theory.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
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