


A Study of the Influencing Indicators of Artistic Creativity for Senior High and Vocational High School Students: An Example of the Winners of National Championships


吳明雄(Ming-Hsiung Wu);張中一(Chung-Yi Chang);饒達欽(Dar-Chin Rau)


指標 ; 高中職 ; 創造力 ; 藝術 ; 藝術教育 ; arts ; creativity ; indicator ; senior high and vocational school ; art education




16期(2008 / 12 / 01)


1 - 28




本研究目的係建構高中職學生藝術創造力影響指標,範圍包括視覺藝術、音樂及戲劇三方面。經文獻探討提出六個影響藝術創造力構面作為研究架構:1.人格特質,2.環境,3.學習,4.能力,5.思考歷程,6.作品。立意取樣全國性藝術類比賽榮獲優勝之團體或個人為研究對象,經選取4人及1團體進行深度訪談,訪談結果整理出藝術創造力指標初稿,再由兩組專家群(高中職教師專家和學者專家)進行精釋研究,最後建構56項藝術創造力影響指標。藝術創造力影響指標之重要程度經Goodman-Kruskal Gamma係數計算,兩組專家群對指標之重要性看法一致性高,評分者間信度佳,計有32項指標被列為重要性指標。研究發現,重要指標數量以人格特質面最多,次為能力,依序再為環境、學習、思考歷程及作品。


The main purpose of this study was to construct the influencing indicators of artistic creativity for senior high and vocational high school students. The scope included three aspects: visual arts, music and drama. This study proposed six-aspect constructions which influenced artistic creativity achievement, such as: 1. personality; 2. environment; 3. learning; 4. ability; 5. thinking process; and 6. product. Four persons and one group, who won the award of a nationwide arts-class competition, were given an in-depth interview, and the results supported the artistic creativity checklist. Two specialist groups (senior high school teachers and scholar specialists) participated in the Hermeneutics studies. Finally, 56 arts creativity indicators were worked out. The important condition of the creativity indicators were calculated with Goodman-Kruskal Gamma. The viewpoints of the importance of these indicators by the two specialist groups were nearly identical. The reliability was very high. There were 32 indicators listed as the important indicators in this study, and the result of this study found that the aspect of personality was the most important factor for the construction of arts creativity, the ability was next, followed by the environment, learning, thinking process, and product.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
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