In recent years, it has become an important issue to conduct practice research in the field of art and design. The art or design department in university nowadays is expected to cultivate the excellent abilities not only to produce works of art or design, but also to do practice research. The authors firstly inquired into the conceptions pertaining to art and design practice research, including the meaning of art and design practice research, the types of such research, as well as a model of FTC applicable to art and design practice research in university. Secondly, the authors utilized the above-mentioned conceptions and the practice-led research approach to facilitate the university students to learn art practice research and to conduct a multiple-case study on the five subjects' learning. The analysis and discussion included the influences of FTC application on individual case's quality of production, the total effects of FTC application, as well as the teaching reflections. In the final part of this study, the authors discussed the research's implications for art and design education in universities.
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