


An Evaluation of the Integration of Gestalt Theory into University Photography Curriculum


陸維元(Wei-Yuan Lu)


完形理論 ; 攝影教學 ; 三角驗證 ; Gestalt theory ; photography curriculum ; triangulation




24期(2012 / 12 / 01)


73 - 106






The general aim of this paper is to justify the claim that integration of Gestalt theory into photography curriculum can be helpful in improving students' understanding and practice in photography. A set of empirical procedures, including a joint evaluation and a triangulation strategy, has been adopted to assess student performance. The adoption of these procedures is to ensure the credibility of research findings. An effect size measure has been used for evaluating student portfolios, as it is an accurate and appropriate approach to reporting and interpreting the effectiveness of educational intervention. Assessment results of the student work show an overall positive effect on the assessment dimension of Photographic Technique, Theory Analysis and Theory Application. The effect sizes are of large or moderate-to-large magnitude. However, the findings also reveal that there is a gap between theory and practice in applying Gestalt principles, in that student learning outcomes are particularly favorable to the Theory Analysis dimension. Finally, in considering the results of literature review and portfolio assessment, the researcher makes revisions to the teaching program, and offers a few suggestions to future studies.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
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