


A Case Study on the Infusion Curriculum for the MV Popular Dance Class at a Community College


徐敏雄(Min-Hsiung Hsu)


成人舞蹈教育 ; 社區大學 ; 舞蹈課程 ; 融入式課程 ; dance education for adults ; community college ; dance curriculum ; infusion curriculum




25期(2013 / 05 / 01)


1 - 31






Since the ”liberation of knowledge and realization of civil society” are goals for community colleges in Taiwan, it is important for instructors to design curricula closely tied to social reality. This study takes a pedagogical perspective on knowledge liberation and its purpose is to explore the types of infusion strategies that are embedded into the curriculum of a dance course as well as how those strategies relate to student learning. A course named ”MV Popular Dance” at a community college in Taipei was selected as the target for this study. The research methods employed include the use of worksheets as well as unstructured interviews with the students and the instructor. Additionally, videos were made of classroom activities from the early stages of the course to its end. Three conclusions can be drawn from this study: (1) teaching styles that emphasize dancing skills helped students to practice how to control their bodies and to gain self-confidence; (2) the social and cultural aspects of the infusion curriculum expanded students' ideas both about dancing styles and their own body image in addition to increasing their awareness of any stereotypes they may have; (3) opportunities for dialogue should be provided so that students can explore various styles of dancing and modes of thinking as well as allowing them to examine the frames of references they use to self-evaluate their dancing abilities.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
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