


A Re-Exploration of the Music Education Philosophies Proposed by Reimer and Elliott: The Perspectives of Critical Pedagogy


何育真(Yu-Chen Ho)


批判教育學 ; 音樂教育哲學 ; 整體的方式 ; Reimer ; Elliott ; critical pedagogy ; philosophy of music education ; synoptic approach




26期(2013 / 12 / 01)


37 - 79




音樂教育哲學探究(philosophical inquiry in music education)之目的在於詮釋與批判現有的概念、信念、論述,以形成新理論或能促成音樂教育研究之理論根據。本研究運用哲學探究研究方法中「整體的方式」(synoptic approach),探討音樂教育哲學派典中「美感教育」(aesthetic education)與「實踐哲學」(praxial philosophy)之主要立論與概念。但整體的方式較少關注批判的及概念的分析,因此,研究者便從了解批判教育學(critical pedagogy)的論述著手,並與音樂教育哲學中所論述的「權力」、「意識形態」、「社會正義」等議題做一視域交融(fusion of horizons)與分析,讓「理論」與「實踐」做一開放的對話過程。本研究之目的為:(1)探究Reimer、Elliott音樂教育哲學之立論,了解音樂教育者所需應具備的音樂教育哲學理念之認知;(2)探究Reimer、Elliott的音樂教育哲學立論在與批判教育學論述視域交融後,對於臺灣學校普通音樂教育的實踐意涵及應用。


The purpose of philosophical inquiry in music education is to interpret and critique existing concepts, beliefs, and discourses to formulate new theories or establish a theoretical basis for music education research. In this study, the synoptic approach to philosophical inquiry was adopted to explore the core concepts of aesthetic education proposed by Reimer and praxial philosophy proposed by Elliott. Because the synoptic approach is rarely employed for critical and conceptual analyses, a ”fusion of horizons” was used to integrate discourses of critical pedagogy with music education philosophies regarding the topics of ”power”, ”ideology”, and ”social justice” to facilitate the convergence of theory and practice. The objectives of this study were as follows: (1) to explore the concepts of aesthetic education proposed by Reimer and praxial philosophy proposed by Elliott, providing music teachers with an understanding of music education philosophy; and (2) to explore the implications and applications for music education practice at schools in Taiwan by using a fusion of horizons to integrate aesthetic education, praxial philosophy, and discourses of critical pedagogy.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
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