
The Use of a Diagnostic Profile in Assessing the Art Understandings of Taiwanese ESL Students




馬丁.福客(Martin Forker)


藝術評量 ; 藝術教育 ; 診斷剖析 ; 跨領域課程 ; art assessment ; art education ; diagnostic profile ; interdisciplinary course




27期(2014 / 05 / 01)


101 - 140




本論文採用Stavropoulos(1992)「以口頭回應藝術作品的藝術認識診斷剖析」(DP)做為評量英文系學生修一學期西方和亞洲藝術的跨領域課程後之藝術認識。運用DP評量四向度(描述、形式、詮釋和歷史)分析學生對圖像的書面回應,結果顯示學生多種較低階的藝術認識。形式向度方面,許多學生成功運用藝術知識,以設計元素和原理來分析藝術品;詮釋向度,許多學生使用知識尋找策略尋找藝術認識;大部份學生在歷史向度並未取得高分;每個向度皆發現回應錯誤、不合邏輯或藝術判斷能力幼稚、模糊地描述畫作;亦明顯缺乏支持性判斷、美學推論、描述性訊問、延伸或挑戰藝術歷史家、有力的論調評論藝術等。有幾位學生的圖畫則印證了Howard Gardner的空間智能觀念。總之,研究結果建議跨領域課程可提供給學生有用的知識庫來發展藝術教育。


This study uses Stavropoulos’ (1992) "A Diagnostic Profile of Art Understandings Based on Verbal Responses to Works of Art (DP)" to evaluate ESL students’ understandings of Western and Asian art during a one-semester interdisciplinary course. Stavropoulos’ DP uses four dimensions to assess student’s verbal and written responses to imagery: descriptive, formal, interpretative, and historical. The findings reveal that the students gave multiple lower-order descriptive art understandings. Within the formal dimension, many students successfully developed their formal art knowledge-base as many analyzed artworks in terms of elements and principles of design. Within the interpretative dimension, many students employed knowledge-seeking strategies in their search for understanding. Most students’ responses did not score highly within the historical dimension. There is evidence of students giving incorrect appraisals, illogical findings, immature judgment, and nebulous or unclear statements within each dimension. It is also palpable that there is a scarcity of responses which provide supported judgment or aesthetic reasoning, descriptive questioning, extending or challenging the art historian’s or the art critic’s description of the work through convincing argument. Several of the students’ drawings demonstrate Howard Gardner’s (1983) notion of spatial intelligence. Overall, the findings suggest that the interdisciplinary course provided students with a useful knowledge-base for developing their art education.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
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