This research is based on a three-month research on an educational exhibition titled "from nature to art" that was organized by Taipei Fine Arts Museum from December 2010 to May 2011. This research uses qualitative methods including participant observation and interviews. Records of participant observation, field logs, interview data, and other feedbacks from the field are the basis of this paper. From a theoretical point of view, the authors first use the anthropologist Victor W. Turner’s concept of "liminality" and his theory of ritual process to explore the educational activities. The activities held during the "from nature to art" exhibition can be considered as ritual processes. Thus, Turner’s concept of "liminality" becomes the key to understand the separate daily living experience of the participants (Turner frames this as structure). Within the concept of "liminality", the participants would then undergo status-transformation (Turner frames this part of experience as anti-structure). The authors suggest that the interaction between the exhibition and the art works opens up a "hermeneutical space", as described in Wilhelm Dilthey’s theory of hermeneutical circle, during this liminal state. Through art appreciation, the participants in the educational activities bring the arts back to their lives through the "expressions" of themselves and their participation of the artwork related activities through the process. Thus, an adventure of art experience and understanding is completed.
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