For a long time now, Taiwanese people within the experience of their daily life and within social art education have been largely ignored by those in the field of art to the point that it has led to problems such as the social stratification of art and the homogenization of aesthetics. For this study, Norbert Elias' notion of social figuration and Pierre Bourdieu's sociological theories of field and capital have been utilized extensively to re-examine the significant value that civilian art can make. In order to clearly understand the core concepts and practical strategies of the development of civilian art, this study investigates into the life story of someone who has involved in the promotion of civilian art projects for a long time: Ms. Liu Hsiu-Mei. The results of this research reveal that Ms. Liu's purpose for promoting civilian art is to recognize the aesthetic values of everyone's experience. At the same time, she also wants to provide the ordinary people with the right to create and to exist with dignity and subjectivity by way of strategies such as equalizing the teacher-student relations, designing an art curriculum which is close to daily life, organizing the Painting Club, providing a dignified, yet low-cost space for art exhibition. Only in this way can the emotions and desires of ordinary people be set free from the constraints of an unequal society and by way of creation with subjectivity. Thus the general public can have the chance to reconstruct the dynamic relationship between the self and society in order to achieve the reconciliation of diverse groups.
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