Because of the inborn neural damage, children with autism have difficulties in social interaction, and verbal communication, which in turn causes more problems in learning and adapting to social environments. Music, with its multi-sensory nature, might be useful to autistic children for increasing concentration and memory, emotion control and better interpersonal relationship. Computer-assisted instruction via portable devices is more likely to draw autistic children's attention to learning than conventional ones. They are beneficial for students to practice repeatedly and to get immediate feedback. This study therefore proposed to explore the effect of human-computer interactive music instruction on elementary school children with autism. It was aimed at increasing oral communication, enhancing perceptual and psychomotor function, correcting problematic behavior, and improving music ability. A series of computer-based music activities were designed and given to individual teaching as an experiment. Nine elementary school children with autism were recruited and participated in this study for three months. Results showed that these nine autistic children made obvious improvements in aspect of oral communication, perceptual and psychomotor function, music ability and problematic behavior modification. The findings will give some insight to those who are concerned about autistic children.
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