


An Inquiry into Visual Art Learning Processes of Graduate Art Education Students: Key Turning Points, Obstacles, and Sweet Moments




王麗雁(Li-Yan Wang)


敘事探究 ; 藝術教育碩士班學生 ; 藝術學習歷程 ; narrative inquiry ; graduate student in art education ; art learning process




30期(2015 / 12 / 01)


21 - 61




本研究邀請15 位藝術教育碩士班學生回溯其藝術學習歷程,所創作之圖像與學習歷程檔案彙整後進行分析。聚焦的問題是:幼年時期引發藝術學習興趣的因素為何?藝術學習歷程中的關鍵時刻、困難與美好記憶為何?藝術學習歷程各有其特殊性,但亦常見以下的發展軌跡:初步接觸、快樂學習;獲得讚賞、自我肯定;同儕壓力、自覺不足;持續學習、自我增能;突破迷惘、職涯探索;面臨挑戰、思索抉擇;尋求突破、自我期許。童年時期的正向經驗與受到的支持程度相當重要。學習者的藝術興趣與能力受到肯定、學校內外課程活動參與、同儕壓力帶來的自我省察,以及沉澱後的省思與突破是重要的關鍵點。當個體能將困難轉化為學習動力與自我增能,藝術學習之路也能因此延續。而教師在學習過程中發揮的影響力相當多元。本研究呈現研究參與者的經驗,進而提出對於視覺藝術教育的觀察與建議。


This study invited 15 graduate students in art education to reflect on their individual art learning process. The artwork and learning portfolios provided by the research participants were then analyzed to address the following research questions: What are the key factors that influence students’ art learning in their early years? What are the key turning points, obstacles, and sweet moments found in these students’ art learning processes? While each learning experience is always unique in its own way, the art learning process often entails experiencing an ongoing developing process as follows: positive art learning experiences; recognition and confirmation of one’s ability; recognition of personal limitations caused by peer pressure; self-empowerment through continuous learning; personal breakthrough and exploration of career choices; facing new challenges and deliberation on future decisions; seeking a breakthrough to realize personal goals. This inquiry examined the stories of these learners and concluded that positive experience and support in the early years are extremely important factors. Key turning points in that process are when parents, teachers, and others recognize the learners’ interests and abilities in the arts, when learners are able to extend their art learning inside or outside their schools, when learners acknowledge areas where they need improvement compared to the performance of their peers and then find ways to achieve their own personal growth and artistic breakthroughs. Teachers can support students’ art learning in various ways. After documenting the different learner experiences gathered, the researcher then offers observations and suggestions for visual art education.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
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