


A Study of Preparation Development of Photographic Inspirational Heuristic Learning Scale




黃金俊(Chin-Chun Huang)


動機執行 ; 感覺組合 ; 經驗喚起 ; 價值構成 ; 攝影靈感啟發學習量表 ; desire motivations ; sensation synthesis ; according to experience arousal ; value construct ; Photographic Inspiration Inspire Learning Scale




30期(2015 / 12 / 01)


97 - 131




世界上偉大的文藝作品都是人類靈感形成的智慧結晶。靈感是當事人對問題或複雜事物組成的關係有了新的認識,形成令人讚賞的覺醒或是行動,過去臺灣較少研究探討此方面。本研究為補足上述不足,探討創造歷程攝影靈感啟發學習,發展攝影靈感啟發學習量表。研究者分別以全國高職設計類科1380 位及437 位學生為對象,進行量表的預試和正式施測。預試部分經探索性因素分析及項目分析後顯示此量表具有「感覺組合」、「經驗喚起」、「動機執行」與「價值構成」四因子結構,且各項目分析皆為良好。正式施測之驗證性因素分析亦顯示此量表之四因子結構具備良好的模式適配度。本研究所研發出之「攝影靈感啟發學習量表」,可作為未來高職教師評量學生攝影靈感啟發學習之參考。


The masterpieces are formed by human inspiration. Inspiration is re-understanding by problem or complexicate affairs and to form admirable awakening or action. At past, there is no any study about this aspect. This study is complete these short comes to explore the creativity process of Photography Inspirational Heuristic Learning, and to develope Photography Inspiration Scale. The researchers test 1380 and 437 vocational designing department students to conduct the scale's pre-test and formal test. The pre-test of exploratory factor analysis and items analysis to decate the four-factors structure of the sensation synthesis, experience arousal, desire motivations, value construct. And the various project is well-analyzed. The formal measurement of confirmatory factor analysis are also showed the four-factors structure of the scale with good model fit level. The contribution of this research is to develop the first Photographic Inspiration Inspire Learning Scale, the reference is for vocational teacher to evaluate the photographic inspiration learning of students in the future.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
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