In order to understand imitation phenomena in art education therapy, this research inquired into a case who imitated peers repeatedly in an art education therapy group for resource class children, including changes of imitation, the meaning of psychodynamic process of imitation and the influences of the art education therapy group. By adopting "directly perceived" and "detailed analysis" with two experienced co-researchers, this research found the subject's experiences of imitation exhibited in three stages-pure imitation, creativity and imitation circulation, and creative transformation. Perceiving from the psychodynamic perspective, inner insufficiency might perform other-presentation rather than self-presentation, the art education therapy group would support one to adjust between imitation and creativity, and new schema would finally bring about a change of projecting real self in art works. This situation can only happen in one with healthy ego function. The result finds that the way of spontaneous creativity in art education therapy group encouraged the change of imitation and provided the opportunity for expressing real self. In the end, the psychodynamic process viewpoint helped to understand the progress of self-presentation.
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