


The Construction of the Organizational Relationship between Supply and Demand of High-School Teachers




蔡瑞明(Ruey-Ming Tsay);紀金山(Chin-Shan Chi);熊瑞梅(Ray-May Hsung)


中等師資 ; 實習網絡 ; 教育學程 ; 組織場域 ; 師範體系 ; 勞力市場 ; High-School Teachers ; Internship Networks ; Teacher Education Programs ; Organizational Field ; Normal University System ; Labor Markets




4期(2002 / 07 / 01)


135 - 179




一般大學校院創設教育學程,參與師資培育的工作,是台灣十幾年來影響深遠的教育改革之一。本文以台灣中等教育爲焦點,探討教育學程這種制度轉變對於教師培育供應與需求關係的影響,試圖瞭解一個新的師資供需關係場域化逐步浮現的形構過程,以及影響其層級化的主要因素。透過分析一個龐大的實習網絡,本文發現,以師資供需所連結起來的組織場域,存在著一個層級性的組織關係形式,幷顯現出一般中學和高職、以及公私立學校的區隔差異。而且,各校的實習網絡的特質與取得教職形態之間,有顯著的關連。 在目前中等師資供需關係建構過程中,本文發現它深受既有制度範疇中各制度機制的影響。首先,在决定供需規模結構的機制上,顯示出了不同類科師資需求的區隔性。其次,制度慣性和組織既有結構化置優勢等因素是决定組織場域位置的規範機制。然而,相對於上述兩種顯著的影響機制,師資培育個別組織的特質和組織策略,都不如一般制度利基和路徑依賴效果來得具有影響力。因此,從組織社會學角度看來,目前此一超額供給的師資供需關係的形構,最具决定性的是各種制度機制影響和限制,而不是個別組織的競爭和效率表現。


The establishment of Teacher Education Programs among universities is one of the main features of recent far-reaching educational reform in Taiwan. For the first time in almost 50 years, general universities are allowed to train their students to obtain a high-school teacher license. This study attempts to analyze the effect of this institutional change on the relationship between supply and demand of high-school teachers, and to understand the creation of the flew demand-and-supply field of high-school teachers. By analyzing the huge internship networks, this study shows a series of segregations between general high and vocational high schools, and between public and private high schools in the organizational field. Furthermore, there is a significant relationship between tne internship networks and the opportunity structure of the placement of teaching jobs. This study demonstrates that the construction of the demand-and-supply relationship has been largely shaped by various institutional mechanisms. The institutional inertia and the extant structural advantages play a very significant role in deciding the location of an organization in the field. Therefore, the organizational characteristics and the strategies they take are rather useless in overcoming the negative effects of their institutional niche and path dependency. In the field of this over-supply of high-school teachers, the most critical factors are the influence and restraint of various institutional mechanisms rather than the competitiveness and performance of each individual organization.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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