


The Production, Dissemination and Consumption of Knowledge in the Taiwanese Academic Field-An Analysis of Academic Publications in the Social Sciences and Humanities




陳明莉(Ming-Li Chen)


學術出版 ; 場域理論 ; 世界體系 ; 知識生產 ; 知識傳播 ; 知識消費 ; 學術自主性 ; academic publishing ; field theory ; world-system theory ; academic autonomy




5期(2003 / 02 / 01)


1 - 46




本研究運用Wallerstein的世界體系理論及Bourdieu的場域理論,並引用實際的數據,從語文應用、國際書市、留學人口及文獻引用四面向,檢驗世界知識的生產、傳播與消費活動,以探究「知識的世界體系」的形構。繼之,本研究從學術資本與行動主體的主客觀關係位置,分析世界知識場域的競爭與運作機制。最後以實證研究方法,針對台灣各大學人文社會科學系所的教師進行調查,以理解大學教師在知識生產、傳播與消費活動中所扮演的角色。 本文認為,世界上知識的生產、傳播與消費確實在世界體系中進行,與經濟的世界體系一樣,具有階層性、不平等交換及動態關係;而調查結果顯示,台灣學者從事的學術活動,仍然具有邊緣性格,在知識的世界體系中,扮演西方核心國家知識傳播與消費的角色。本文主張,深化外來學術及理論,對本土學術增加關注,並建立自己的學術出版體系將有助於改善台灣學術邊緣化之現象。


Adopting Wallerstein's world-system theory and Bourdieu's field theory, this thesis examines the production, dissemination and consumption of knowledge around the world and tries to investigate the formation of the 'world-system of knowledge'. Additionally, this paper, from the perspective of academic capital and the subjective/objective positions of agent, seeks to analyze the competing and operating mechanisms of the global intellectual field. Finally, a survey of Taiwanese university teachers in social sciences and humanities reveals the roles and functions which they perform in the world-system of knowledge. The relevant statistics and evidence show that the development of global knowledge, which is characterized by a hierarchical structure, imbalance exchange and a dynamic system, corresponds extremely closely with Wallerstein's world-system theory. According to the survey, academic activities among Taiwanese scholars tend to be marginal. In the globalised knowledge system, Taiwanese scholars serve only as disseminators and consumers of Western knowledge. It is therefore claimed that the grounding of imported academic knowledge, reinforcing the attention of indigenous academic work and establishing Taiwan's own scholarly publishing system is needed to remedy the marginalizing of the Taiwanese academic world.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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