


Analysis of Freshmen Major Shift in Institutes of Technology and Universities of Science and Technology




林大森(Da-Sen Lin)


技職教育 ; 主修科系 ; 主修轉換 ; 主修流動 ; 主修選擇 ; technical and vocational education TVE ; major ; major shift ; major mobility ; major choice




10期(2006 / 01 / 01)


93 - 124






In recent years, although a large number of studies have been done on higher education; little is about the freshmen of college. This study tried to explore the decision-making process of students' majors in the technical and vocational education system (TVE) in terms of two facets: major mobility and major choice. Purposes of the study were to construct the major patterns of two stages difference between the vocational schools and universities/institutes of technology and to find out what kind of social psychological mechanism had influence on students' major choices. This study utilized the original data of ”Taiwan Higher Education Data System” to do quantity analysis. Findings of the empirical analyses were that students' choices of the college majors depended more on their own interests and advantages of getting a job than on structural factors such as ”choosing-school-rather-than-department”. Secondly, suggestions of choice a major from significant others were too conservative. Thirdly, on decision-making process, theses students of arts major had stronger their own minds than others'. Finally, even though they changed their majors, it was still to keep continuity of professional training from their original majors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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