


Preferential Treatment or Stigma? The Classifying Effects of the Educational Subsidy Policies in Taiwan




林文蘭(Wen-Lan Lin)


教育補助政策 ; 畫界工作 ; 優惠 ; 社會分類 ; 社會正義 ; educational subsidy policies ; boundary work ; preferential treatment ; social classification ; social justice




11期(2006 / 06 / 01)


107 - 152






This paper examines how educational subsidy policies lump and split different people. By focusing on issues of equal educational opportunity and social justice, this paper poses the following question: what are social classifying effects behind educational subsidy policies. The educational subsidy policies favor the children of Jiun-Gung-Jiau (the military, public servants and teachers) and aim to aid those of the social disadvantaged. These status-based policies, however, bring differential and paradoxical effects. For the advantaged groups, these policies enhance social distinction and classification, and thus ensure the reproduction of the existing social stratification. For the disadvantaged groups, these policies make them suffer the stigma of welfare-dependents and make reverse discrimination possible. Examining the symbolic meaning and micropolitics behind educational subsidy policies in Taiwan, this paper gauges whether the ideals of equal educational opportunity and social justice can be realized.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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