


The Conflict and Breakthrough between Ghetto Pathology and Network Nodal Points: The Case of the Vietnamese Female Restaurant Owners in Taiwan




邱琡雯(Shwu-Wen Chiou)


族群自營業 ; 移民區病理 ; 網絡集結點 ; ethnic self-employment ; ghetto pathology ; network nodal points




13期(2007 / 06 / 01)


95 - 120




本文以在台越南女性的店家為例,探討她們如何面對「移民區病理vs.網絡集結點」的衝突以及克服的方法,研究發現,因國際通婚而出現在夫方社會的族群自營業店家之女性移民,面對「移民區病理vs.網絡集結點」的衝突時,針對來自接待社會不同人所加諸的污名,她們會採取不同策略去克服,包括積極柔軟或是消極隱忍等態度。 影響這些策略運用的主因是,接待社會中的誰(附近台灣人店家、一般台灣人食客)對她們而言存在什麼樣的利害關係(是否成為客源),此外,她們個人自身的特質及實力:人好、外表乾淨、吃苦耐勞、親切有禮又健談、主動打招呼、國台語的流暢等也都是影響的因素之一。


The article based on the studies of Vietnamese women in Taiwan who run restaurants as an example to demonstrate how they overcome the conflicts between ghetto pathology and network nodal points. The study found out that most Vietnamese women who immigrated to Taiwan due to wedlock and who run businesses often met with stigmatization from the host society. Nonetheless, to overcome the conflicts between ghetto pathology and network nodal points, they came up with various strategies to cope with the conflict. Strategies are ranging from aggressive but slick to passive and tolerant attitude. The main factor which influences these strategies is their calculation of their relationship with the Taiwanese they met (their own customers and the neighboring shopowners). Besides, personal characteristics and capabilities, such as agreeable personality, good-looking, hardworking, thoughtfulness, eloquence, sociability, and language fluency play influencing factors as well.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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