


The Differentials of 358 Cities and County's Death Rates for Suicide in Taiwan, 1996-2005




楊嘉芬(Chia-Fen Yang);王香蘋(Hsiang-Ping Wang);楊靜利(Ching-Li Yang)


鄉鎮市區別自殺死亡率 ; 個人指標 ; 社區性指標 ; 複迴歸 ; City and county's death rates for suicide ; Individual indicators ; Community indicators ; Multiple-regression




15期(2008 / 06 / 01)


1 - 22




本研究利用衛生署死因別統計資料,分析1996~2005年台灣地區358個鄉鎮市區(不含金門縣、連江縣)的自殺死亡率之差異。為配合鄉鎮市區別差異之分析的研究目的,我們選取了各鄉鎮市區別、性別、年齡別「失業率(%)」、「就業成長率(%)」、「離婚率(%)」、以及各鄉鎮市區別「初級行業人口比(%)」、「15~17歲不在學率(%)」、「獨居人口比(%)」、「嬰幼兒死亡率(‰)」與「依賴比(%)」等指標,作為影響鄉鎮市區別、性別、年齡別自殺死亡率的自變項。「失業率」、「就業成長率」與「依賴比」分別反映生活壓力與應付能力,「獨居人口比」則表示社區內家庭聯繫與支持網絡的強弱,而「離婚率」表示社區的家庭型態與規範,更代表個人的家庭歷程與挫折的支持度。「初級行業人口比」、「15~17歲不在學率」、「嬰幼兒死亡率」用以表示地區相對剝奪程度。 迴歸分析結果顯示,社區性相對剝奪指標對自殺死亡率的影響層面大於個人生活壓力指標,其中「嬰幼兒死亡率」是社區性指標中解釋力香當強的變項,似乎可以作為預測自殺死亡率的重要參考。在個人指標上,主要影響因素集中在經濟的變動上(失業率、就業成長率),且對中年齡組的影響特別明顯。


This paper attempts to explore the effects of structural and individual factors, in aggregate measures, on the death rates for suicide in Taiwan. We used registered cause-specific death records, surveys for manpower and census to analysis the differentials of 358 cities and county's death rates for suicide in a period of 10 years, from 1996 to 2005. We firstly constructed sex-age-specific unemployment rate, sex-age-specific employment growth rate, sex-age-specific divorce rate, by city and county, to be the indicators of individual factors, and proportion of primary occupation, proportion of non-schooling persons among 15-17 years people, proportion of living alone, infant and child mortality rate, and dependent rate, by city and county as well, to be the indicators of community factors. A multiple-regression model is employed to analysis how these factors affect the city and county's sex-age-specific death rates for suicide. The results show that community indicators capture more variance of the city and county's death rate for suicide than individual indicators do. Among the community indicator, the proportion of infant and child mortality rate is the most important one because it is always significant in any models. Among the individual indicator, economical change (”unemployment rate”, ”employment growth rate”) is the major effect factor and is highly related to the middle age people.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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