
謙虛的鬥士:Paulo Freire的教育勇氣與智慧評述


The Humble Educator: The Critical Review of Educational Courage and Wisdom of Paulo Freire




王秋絨(Chiou-Rong Yang Wang)


Paulo Freire ; 教育勇氣 ; 教育智慧 ; Paulo Freire ; educational courage ; educational wisdom




20期(2010 / 06 / 01)


145 - 159




本文首在從Paulo Freire的主要五本著作,評析在其五本著作中有關教育勇氣與智慧的概念輿論述方式。根據Freire的「受壓迫者教育學」、「為自由的文化行動」、「批判意識的教育」、「自由的教育學:倫理、民主與公民勇氣」、「教師做為一個文化工作者:給勇於教學者的信」等五本書,本文運用「概念分析與詮釋批判」,分為「迎向挑戰與師生共學與自由實踐的勇氣與智慧」等四部份,撰述最後則以現代與後現代文化變遷所形成的教育脈絡,批判並論述Freire的教育目標:培養一個有權利、有義務、有勇氣做自己生命主人(to be, not to have)的公民之條件,並據之提出師生朝向該目標所需的「愛、真誠、謙遜、勇氣、寬容、喜悅、決定、創新」的對話條件,以成就師生做為一個自己的生命主人所需的相互主體性、自由實踐的勇氣與智慧。為達此目的,本文建議以批判「扭曲的社會價值規範」為起點,再次,批判對話教育的極限,去除對話的烏托邦色彩,成就師生對話的勇氣與智慧,方能使教師真正成為一個文的「創新者」,而非是「隨波逐流」的價值扭曲的「共犯」。


This paper attempts to review the concepts and the ways of discourse about the courage and wisdoms for education critically based on the writings of Paulo Freire. These writings are as follows: 1. Pedagogy of the Oppressed 2. Cultural action for freedom. 3. Education for critical consciousness. 4. Pedagogy of freedom: ethic, democracy and civic courage. 5. Teachers as culture workers: the letters to those who dare teach. Concept analysis and critical Hermeneutics are used to review the books mentioned above critically. First of all, it analyzes the concepts of the challenges of life reality and the learning together among teachers and students. Secondly, humanized education goal the courage and wisdom for education are reviewed critically. Thirdly, inter-subjectivity, courage and wisdom for educational freedom and practice are proposed. Finally, all reviewed concepts and their discourse ways are criticized according to the dialectic context of modernity and post-modernity. It is recommended that distorted social norms are the priority needs to be criticized, then the limits of the critical dialogue education is necessary to be awarded by the teachers, especially the teachers must face the utopia of the dialogue education. Teachers should take action as a creative innovator for culture development with the courage and wisdoms of teaching based on the criteria of love, authenticy, humanity, courage, forgiveness, joyness and creation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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