
教育、科技與權力:Michael W. Apple的科技論述分析


Education, Technology, and Power: An Analysis of Michael W. Apple's Discourse on Technology




劉修豪(Hsiu-Hao Liu)


Michael W. Apple ; 教育改革 ; 資訊教育 ; 科技改革 ; Michael W. Apple ; education reform ; information and computer education ; technology reform




21期(2010 / 12 / 01)


39 - 81




科技為教育帶來新的意識,將科技視為能解決所有教育問題的萬靈藥,在過度強調技術性的解決方案之際,反而忽略了代價的議題。事實上,科技改革的論述背後,是各式利害相關者的複雜交織。美國課程社會學者Michael W. Apple延續新馬克思主義的思維,提供意識形態及倫理的透鏡,檢視科技、教育與權力三者間所架構的政治性議題。從微觀的角度可以瞭解到科技與課程的掌控關係;從鉅觀的角度可以檢視科技與教育改革的宰制關係。本研究採以歷史研究法及文獻分析,探討Apple科技論述構成的社會脈絡,分析其論述的內涵,並省思其對臺灣推動資訊教育的啟示,綜合歸納為:一,社會大眾普遍存在著除舊觀點,造成龐大經費的投入;二,接受不同資訊素養的培育,將導致不同的命運;三,在科技設備充裕之下,資訊課程的內容卻是相當貧乏;四,過多歸咎或訓練教師的思維,無法解決教師科技使用有限的原因;五,資訊教育政策不宜過度樂觀等結論。


Technology brings the new consciousness for the education. The public always takes technology as panacea which can solve all questions of education. As technical solution is overemphasized, we neglect the question: Who will pay for what? In fact, various stakeholders are complicated interweaved behind the discourse of technology. Michael W. Apple, a curriculum sociologist, follows the neo-Marxism and provides the ideology-ethic lens which examine the political issues among technology, education and power. In micro perspective, the control relationship between technology and curriculum can be realized. On the other hand, the dominated relationship between technology and education reform can be examined in broader view. This paper focuses on the meanings of Apple's discourse on technology, and then rethinking the implications for information education in Taiwan. Also, we conclude as follows: (1) Conquering outdated concept causes a large amount of financial cost in education. (2) Accepting different skills creat different fates. (3) The content of technology curriculum is insufficient although the richness equipment in technology. (4) To ascribe blaming and training on teachers can not solve the limitation on the use of technology. (5) Information education policy should not be over-optimistic.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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