


Critical Analysis of Specialization and Vocationalization lying behind the Disciplinarity of Universities: From the Perspectives of Sociology of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy


薛雅慈(曉華)(Selena Ya-Ci Hsueh);薛珍華(Chen-Hua Hsueh)


知識社會學 ; 批判教育學 ; 學科制度 ; 高等教育課程 ; 跨學科 ; 博雅教育 ; Sociology of Knowledge ; Critical Pedagogy ; Disciplinarity ; Undergraduate Curriculum ; Interdiscipline ; Liberal Arts Education




26期(2013 / 06 / 01)


83 - 129




本文主要從知識社會學(sociology of knowledge)及批判教育學(critical pedagogy)等相關文獻,來檢視自現代時期(the modern era)即已建制的大學學科制度(disciplinarity),隨著全球化(globalization)更有科系課程職業化(vocationalization of curriculum)的趨勢,其背後的意識型態及隱含的問題。從批判的知識社會學及批判教育學之觀點,對大學學科分化與課程職業化之分析大致可歸納為以下三點:一、大學學科專門化的問題-知識社學學對於學科制度背後所建構的真理(the truth)與知識權力(the power of knowledge)提出了懷疑與質疑、對學科制度則予否定與顛覆;對專家知識則予以批判;二、大學課程職業化-批判教育學以資本主義意識型態再製的觀點對其加以揭露與批判;三、大學學系專門化與職業化的結合-近年來高等教育的潛在課程(the hidden curriculum of higher education)研究也發現西方大學發展中的學系,其實是與高等教育初衷的理想相違背的,對「學系」所製造的潛在課程也成為批判之重要論點。本文最後也點出高等教育專門化與職業化困境的可能出路,也就是高等教育課程的未來應朝向跨學科,及重新重視以博雅教育為基礎的大學部教育的理想發展。


This paper aims to review, from the perspectives of sociology of knowledge and critical pedagogy, the ideology and issues lying behind the disciplinarity of universities in the modern era under the trend of globalization and vocationalization of curriculum. Furthermore, the task and vision of universities, which are different from those of other organizations, are to be re-found. From the viewpoint of critical pedagogy, the analysis on vocationalization of curriculum and disciplinarity can be divided into three parts. The first one is based on post-modern and post-structural perspectives to question the truth and the power of knowledge behind dsciplinarity and to challenge disciplinarity as well as criticisms from experts. The second one is based on the new Marxism to unveil how vocationalization of curriculum was shaped by the ideology of capitalism. Finally, regarding the combination of specialization and vocationalization, it has been found in the research of the hidden curriculum of higher education that the disciplines developed in the western universities are actually against the origins of higher education. Therefore, the hidden curriculum made by disciplinarity has also become the point of critical analysis. In the end of this paper, the solution to problems of the combination of specialization and vocalization is also provided; the future curriculum in higher education should be arranged towards the pattern of inter-discipline and liberal arts education as the base for undergraduate curriculum.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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