


Design and Freedom: A Classification and Ethical Concerns for Behavior-Steering Technology




洪靖(Ching HUNG)


IBST ; MBST ; 勸服科技 ; 助推 ; 自由難題 ; IBST ; MBST ; persuasive technology ; nudge ; human freedom




32期(2021 / 04 / 01)


133 - 185




用於改變使用者行為的科技產品,統稱「行為嚮導技術」(behavior-steering technology),協助使用者朝向更健康、更安全、更環保的生活型態。由於「技術內建改變力」的特性,行為嚮導技術經常引發倫理疑慮,其中以「是否侵害使用者自由與自主」為最。欲回應此問題,須先區分行為嚮導技術的種類與效果。本文試圖說明,行為嚮導技術可就其運作機制分類為「資料型」(informational)與「物料型」(material),兩者分別對應不同程度的自由難題,間接導致前者的相關領域蓬勃發展,而後者至今尚未形成任何社群。然而,本文透過深究並扣連行為嚮導技術的機制、效果、與自由三個面向,一方面論證資料型並未較物料型行為嚮導技術有更好的倫理表現,且後者更能有效緩解當代重大社會問題;另一方面則指出重新理解或詮釋自由難題的必要,並對可能的出路提供初步建議。


Behavior-steering technology refers to technologies that are designed to help users have a healthier, safer, and more sustainable lifestyle. As it has the power to alter user behavior, such a technology often causes ethical concerns, especially concerning the loss of human freedom. To respond to this problem, this study first classifies behavior-steering technology into two types by differentiating the mechanism of each, and, second, discusses their pros and cons with several examples. While informational behavior-steering technology (IBST) produces its effects by targeting user consciousness (persuasive technology) or subconsciousness (nudge) and therefore tends to be qualitatively and quantitatively ineffective, material behavior-steering technology (MBST) is aimed at the user's body and is more effective and helpful in tackling social issues that require collective changes, such as environmental crises. This study concludes that to take advantage of MBST without provoking ethical concerns, it is crucial to understand freedom in relation to, rather than independent from, technology.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 醫藥衛生綜合
醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
醫藥衛生 > 基礎醫學
醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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