Jinshi shibie (Identification of Metals and Stones), a translation of American mineralogist James Dwight Dana's (1813-1895) Manual of Mineralogy, introduced Western mineralogy to China in 1871. Although initially praised by Chinese intellectuals, the book was later criticized for its limited impact on mining. Echoing the current global turn in the history of science and adopting the methodology of book history, this article argues that far from simply translating it, Jinshi shibie "rewrote" Manual to suit the Chinese context. Dana encouraged readers to go into the wild and discover their homeland (i.e., America), but the translators, American medical missionary Daniel Jerome MacGowan (1815-1893) and Chinese mathematician Hua Hengfang (1833-1902), removed the content on American geological strata and added the topic of analytical chemistry. Consequently, it repackaged what was a field observation guide into an instructional manual for indoor experiments for identifying minerals. This new mineral knowledge was utilized by diverse groups of people to locate mines for both personal enrichment and to advance the prosperity and strength of the state. Despite becoming obsolete two decades later due to an increasing interest in Chinese geological strata, Jinshi shibie illustrates how scientific knowledge travels across cultures and highlights the agency of its translators and readers.
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