


A Study of Learning Stress of Musically Gifted Students




張敏芳(Min-Fang Chang)


音樂資優生 ; 壓力 ; 學習壓力 ; musically gifted student ; stress ; learning stress




6卷1期(2006 / 06 / 01)


69 - 88




本研究旨在探討現行國小音樂班學生之生活學習現況,與探究國小音樂班學生學習歷程所面臨之壓力與壓力來源,並進一步探討音樂班學生面臨壓力之舒緩方式。 本研究對象為南部某縣市一所國小-樂樂國小(假名)音樂班11名學生,及相關學科術科導師、音樂個別課指導老師及家長,運用深度訪談、輔以觀察、文件分析的方式,蒐集相關資料,進行質的資料分析與詮釋。資料分析結果為國小音樂資優生生活學習歷程所面臨之壓力:在學校方面,學科與術科雙重學習內容、時間緊迫感、教師期望、同儕競爭、樂團席次、比賽展演及考試等均造成國小音樂班學生壓力;在家庭方面,部分家長過度看重成績,干預教師正常教學,父母給予子女有過高期望的壓力,子女有達不到父母期望之困擾。 國小音樂資優生舒緩壓力之方式大致可歸類四種:(一)沒有任何因應策略-消極以對。(二)逃避-以各種理由盡可能規避。(三)自我調適,再出發-適時釋壓,再重新面對。(四)順勢以對-採取較積極的態度,努力應付。研究者根據本研究結果針對國小音樂資優生之父母、學校提出若干建議,期待對國小音樂資優生教育有所幫助。


The purpose of this study was to explore learning stress of the musically gifted students in one of the southern elementary schools in Taiwan. Subjects were eleven musically gifted students and their teachers and parents. All of them were given in-depth interviews in order to analyze the learning stress and coping strategies of musically gifted students. Suggestions for these subjects were proposed in the conclusion. Interviews showed the various learning stresses of musically gifted students in their music learning career. First of all, the stress had resulted from double learning which included curriculum for elementary students and music training. In order to enter into the musically talented program at the 3rd grade, these students were required to take a great deal of music lessons at a very early age. Time urgency, peer competition, contests, performances, and examinations were significant stresses they had to conduct. Secondly, over-expectation from parents, teachers, peers, and even, from these interviewed students easily made these students feeling frustrated and isolated. There were four coping strategies addressed, including passive response, escapism, self-adjustment, and positive management. It is worthy of note that since most parents and teachers put much pressure upon these musically gifted students, these students asked for less help when they felt stressful when learning.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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