


The Effects of Adventure Education Program on the Leadership of the Secondary School Students




張國振(Kuo-Chen Chang);潘裕豐(Yu-Fong Pan)


國中資優生 ; 領導才能 ; 情緒智力 ; 探索教育活動方案 ; gifted and talented ; junior high school ; leadership ; emotional intelligence ; adventure education




8卷2期(2008 / 12 / 01)


51 - 78




本研究目的即在探討實施「探索教育活動方案」對國中資優班學生領導才能與情緒智力之影響及了解師生的回饋反應。並根據研究結果作為實施「探索教育活動方案」為國中資優生領導才能訓練培育課程的準則。 本研究採用實驗研究法,來探討「探索教育活動方案」在資優生領導才能、情緒智力之成效。主要結果如下:1.「探索教育活動方案」可以提升國中資優生的領導才能;2.「探索教育活動方案」可以提升國中資優生的情緒智力;3.師生對探索教育活動方案的整體感受是為正面的;4.具好玩、新奇、合作性、挑戰性高的探索教育活動受學生的喜愛;5.「探索教育活動方案」對提升學生的包容力、自信心、思考能力及反應有助益;6.受試同學覺得「探索教育活動方案」所得的經驗對未來的團體生活會有幫助。


The objective of this research is not only to explore how the effectiveness of the adventure education program on the leadership skills and emotional intelligence of the gifted and talented students, but also to further understand how the teachers and the students respond to this program. The following results from experiment were obtained: 1.The adventure education program enhances the leadership skills of the gifted and talented students. 2. The adventure education program enhances emotional intelligence of the gifted and talented students. Furthermore, the results from the records of interview indicate that 1.the adventure education program was perceived as positive 2.the adventure education program enhance the ability to tolerate, think, self-confidence and reaction. 3. the experience of taking this program could help these students positively face the future group life.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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